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2015 has begun- so I want to say a big Thank YOU. Chillin’ and reflecting over Christmas I was very aware of the special support and encouragements received last year. It was a tough one and I especially felt for those closest to me. I now live, like lot of other people with a little wee shadow called cancer. It’s an advanced form; so I can’t, in the normal scheme of thing be ‘cured’ medically, just take meds that keep it at bay.

However… there have been beautiful strands of gold in the midst of the crap stuff. I feel like I am now living life in a kind of new ‘High Definition’. Loving each day, each moment, flippin’ thankful for so much.

While in hospital I realized I had lots of stories I wanted to share, especially with my two girls – about our life so far, the adventures, the people, the crazy choices, the strands of gold in the mist of the rubbish. We used to have ‘daddy-daughter’ times where they could talk about anything- life, faith, questions – stuff going on. I’m going to have a go at carrying that on in blogging form. I checked with Emily and Abi and they agreed you can listen in if you like.

That’s it – Once again please hear my Thank You and here’s to 2015- best year yet!

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